Natural cleaning products are easy to make, safe to use, and inexpensive. If you’ve never made your own natural cleaner, this recipe for citrus and sage cleaner is a great place to start! This vinegar-based cleaner is gentle, yet effective. I like it best for wiping down kitchen surfaces and cleaning windows.
White vinegar is a natural disinfectant, so it can be used for cleaning everything from windows to kitchens to bathrooms. Vinegar cuts through grease and grime very effectively. It’s also much more economical than name-brand cleaners from the store. Plus, ingesting vinegar doesn’t usually make you very sick, so it’s safer than those harsh cleaners to keep around your house when you have small children!
Why make your own citrus and herb-infused cleaner when you can just use vinegar? Well, citrus-scented vinegar smells a whole lot better than plain, in my opinion! Also, the citrus peels contain limonene, an antibacterial and antiviral compound. Many different herbs contain other microorganism-fighting compounds, which help make your cleaning solution more effective.
Some great choices for antibacterial and antiviral herbs to use are: sage, oregano, cloves, lavender, eucalyptus, and rosemary. You can use fresh or dried herbs for this cleaner recipe. However, do try to use whole herb leaves (or sprigs, if the leaves are very small). Crushed dried herbs are difficult to strain out of the cleaner when it’s done infusing. Whole leaves are much easier to pick out!
I like sage because it has antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. Plus, it’s a pretty plant and easy to grow in my herb garden! Even the scent of sage can have positive effects in your home: it is said to be mentally stimulating and reduce anxiety. The oils found in citrus peels (ex: limonene) have similar properties, so they work well together as cleaning agents and creating a positive atmosphere!
You will need:
- glass pint jar with lid
- about 1-1/2 cups of citrus peels, loosely packed
- 1/2 cup fresh or dried sage leaves, if desired
- 2 cups white or apple cider vinegar

First, wash your fruits and rinse thoroughly. Peel the fruits and save the juice for another use. You may use only one kind of citrus peel, or a variety if you like. I have used grapefruit, lemon, and clementine peels to make this cleaner. They all smell wonderful!
If you are using large citrus fruits like grapefruit, you will probably only need one grapefruit to make a pint of cleaner. However, if you choose to use lemons or limes, you will need several of them to fill your pint jar with peels.
If you don’t have enough citrus peels at one time, you may store them in a zip-top bag or small air-tight container in the refrigerator for a day or two, until you have enough to mostly fill a pint jar.

Place the citrus peels in the pint jar. The jar should be more than half full, but not overflowing. Add the sage leaves, or other herbs if desired. Again, the jar should not be full to the brim. Pour vinegar over the peels and herbs until they are completely covered. Screw a lid on the jar tightly.
Set the jar in a cool, dark place for about two weeks. Shake the jar every few days (if you remember!). You may let the peels and herbs infuse for 10 days to 3 weeks.
When the cleaner is ready, strain the solid peels and herb leaves out and discard. Measure the liquid and add a roughly equal amount of water. You can use the cleaner in a spray bottle, or merely keep it in the jar and dampen a clean rag with the mixture when you need it.
Store the cleaning solution tightly covered, away from direct sunlight and out of reach of small hands.
Enjoy using this natural, homemade citrus cleaner in your home! The fresh citrus and herb scent is surely much nicer than harsh chemicals!

For more cleaning solutions and household hints, check out these vintage cleaning tips!
Happy homemaking!
[…] Here’s a super simple homemade natural cleaner recipe using citrus peels, vinegar, and […]